Audio:QS130108 C-box: BallLoc:103,84;122,115;265,139;346,89;431,93;119,237;156,300;307,265;408,239 LineNum:350;350;350;350;350;350;350;350;350 GeoBytesUsed:5 IntroVideoLoc:241,125 RewardVideoLoc:237,120 A-box or Headline6:N/A Correct:Japan*QS130802* Wrong 1:China Wrong 2:India Wrong 3:Indonesia Wrong 4:New Zealand Wrong 5:Philippines Wrong 6:Sri Lanka Wrong 7:Thailand Wrong 8:Turkey GeoByte1:Traditional kimonos like this girl is wearing are worn on holidays and during festivals. GeoByte2:The traditional costume for Japanese men and women is a long robe called a ^kimono^. GeoByte3:This girl's kimono is tied at the waist with an elaborate sash called an ^obi^. GeoByte4:Japanese ^tabi^ are white socks that have a separate place for the big toe so they can be worn with ^zoris^. GeoByte5:"Seikai desu" means ^correct answer^ in Japanese. GeoByte6: GeoByte7: GeoByte8: GeoByte9: GeoByte10: FirstPictCast:[] VideoReward:GP130850.MOV Palette:N/A StartVideo:GQ130850.MOV EndVideo: HiliteBoxStopIndex:3 Glossary Start Glossary End